It's now possible to render PDF at runtime

PDF Renderer

PDF Renderer is by far the easiest and most reliable way to render your PDF files in Unity.

It was specifically built to be able to read and visualize PDF files at runtime (in-game) in Unity on multiple platforms.

It only takes a few seconds to integrate into any project and it will work “right out-of-the-box”, with almost no extra effort required on your part.

In fact, all of its features are easy to use and we also included an easy-to-configure viewer prefab.

Everything is well documented and our friendly support team will always be there to answers your questions, if you ever have any.


  • Open and visualize PDF at runtime
  • C# API
  • Render PDF page to Texture2D
  • PDF Viewer Prefab (using Unity UI)
  • Pinch Zoom
  • Bookmarks and Thumbnails Viewers
  • Support Links
  • Support Text Search
  • Open PDF from various sources : File System, Web, StreamingAssets & Resources folder, Bytes array, PDF Asset


  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Android
  • IOS
  • Windows Phone 8.1/10
  • Windows Store 8.1/10
  • Microsoft Surface 8.1/10
  • Microsoft Hololens
  • WebGL (Rendering page only)

Get PDF Renderer on the Unity Asset Store