Make your lighting prettier

Ultimate Bloom will add tremendous depth to your lighting with state-of-the-art bloom & flares quality while allowing you to get unprecedented control over the rendering process

Ultimate Bloom

Ultimate Bloom is a production ready and full featured natural bloom and flares engine with an in-depth editor (layers editor, filmic intensity editor, flare editors and more). At it's core, it uses state of the art algorithms to render high quality natural bloom at a low performance cost. The effect is rendered using a flexible layered bloom algorithm which gives a total artistic control over the rendering process. 

Ultimate Bloom on the Unity Asset Store →



All flares are procedurally generated from bright spots so that you don't have to manually place them in the scene

Ultimate Bloom Features

Bloom Rendering

  • High-end rendering engine
  • Editable layers
  • Filmic bloom curve
  • In-depth rendering editor

Lens Flares

  • Generated from bright spot
  • Bokeh flare
  • Sprite based flare
  • Anamorphic flare 
  • Star flare
  • Ghost lens flare
  • All flares are combinables


  • Adaptative kernel sampling
  • Temporal sampling
  • Anti-“downsize artefacts” and Anti-“jiterring” algorithm
  • Highly scalable performance
  • Optimization flags for low end hardwares
  • Compatible with HDR and non-HDR
  • Compatible with Linear and Gamma 


  • Lens dirt mask
  • Lens dirt mask generator
This is AAA Bloom

Alfred Burns ★★★★★
What more can I say. This bloom is fantastic and comes with many options for more than just bloom, Lens flare (Bokeh + Ghost), Anthropomorphic lens flare, lens dirt, threshold and filmic curve for the bloom, there is too much to name.


Payam Arabzadeh ★★★★★
The video on youtube is a lie, you easily can achieve better quality. :O It is very optimized when you use the Bloom, but only anamorphic and star lens flares can be a little heavy on low-end machines.

Really great bloom!

BetaDwarf ApS ★★★★★
The effect once in-game has been great. Sure we have tweaked the settings quite a bit to get what we want, but that is to be expected when we are as far into production as we are and have been running a different bloom up until now. Really worth the price! So to anyone undecided on what bloom to buy, (and don't care about the "extras" this has), this is STILL by far the best we have found!

Get Ultimate Bloom on the Unity Asset Store